Chapter 5

Tannar padded through the boggy forest, his paws wet from walking in the peaty earth. He shook his paws angrily as they sunk into the marsh. He pulled himself out of the sucking mud and ran to a patch of wet grass untouched by the marsh. He was about to sit down when a shadow streaked through surrounding trees. He jumped, his neck fur bristling. ‘Who’s there?’ he growled. The figure whisked through the trees again. Tannar hissed and raced toward the dark shape, but the creature was fast – it raced further into the misty forest. Tannar unsheathed his claws and picked up speed, but the creature was still a tree’s length away. He carried on running, unaware of the trees thinning out until he tripped over a bramble vine. He hissed, then broke off as the creature padded towards him. He let out a threatening growl and unsheathed his claws. But the creature didn’t flinch, it held out a paw to Tannar. Tannar stared at the creature’s paw in confusion. He then took hold of it, heaving himself off the ground. He opened his mouth to speak but the creature raced away into the trees. Leaving Tannar alone in the misty clearing. ‘Who are you?” he yowled. He was surprised when a voice rasped. ‘my name in Lostspirit Tannar, go well we shall meet again’. Tannar gasped before slipping into unconsciousness.

Tannar woke up shaking his head. then leaped to his paws as his dream flooded over him. He sat down and rasped his tongue over his fur that was now in clumps. ‘Lostspirit’ he murmured. ‘who’s Lostspirit?’ Arion asked puzzled. Tannar jumped. ‘your as jumpy as a rabbit today!’ Arion purred. ‘Is there something bothering you?’ Tannar shook his head. ‘Just a dream’ he muttered. Arion licked his ear. ‘come on we are traveling to another forest today’ he said. Tannar pricked his ears. ‘another forest?’ he rasped. Arion nodded. Then narrowed his eyes. ‘unless your not fit to travel’ When Tannar leaped to his paws he laughed. ‘come on we have a long way a head of us’.

sorry guys I couldn’t think of anything else today! I will try writing the rest of chapter 5 tomorrow!



Copyright Bushra alkhatib december 18th 2014 Thu 2:12

2 thoughts on “

  1. That was awesome, Bushra! To me this writing in my head sounded much better (your other one was brilliant, but this is even better!) and clearer as well! 😀

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