The Historical Fight at dawn

Chapter 15

The entrance

“I can’t find a way in” growled Midnight “Maybe there is a secret passage that will take us in to the volcano” Black Socks suggested “But there’s got to be some way to get in” Pumpkin protested Midnight hissed “there is a way in” he meowed then he had visions of the time he and his three brothers where in the sack that was carried by the dark shadow, then it hit him. “Mom! Mom!” I think I know how to get in the volcano!” he screeched Pumpkin looked at him in amazement. “oh so how do we get in?” she meowed “well when I was in the sack, Pebbles clawed at it and he managed to catch a view of The dark shadow opening a secret passage, but I don’t know where but I do know it is next to running water” he meowed “Running water” Pumpkin thought “where did I hear running water” she thought. But a loud yowl interrupted her thoughts “I know!” yowled Midnight in excitement and he raced into a bush. “Over here!” he yowled again Pumpkin and Black Socks looked at each other, and then charged after Midnight at top speed, but as soon as they broke out of the bush they froze. Standing in front of them was a big dark tunnel.

“I don’t believe it!” Black Socks exclaimed excitedly Pumpkin shook her head. “Is this?” she whispered. “Yep!” it’s the dark shadows hide out!” Meowed Midnight. Pumpkin shook her head in disbelief “It couldn’t be” she meowed “oh yes it is” meowed Midnight now jumping up in excitement “come on lets go and find my brothers!” he yowled and with that they all raced into the tunnel.
“Ugh!” hissed Midnight “when are we going to find my brothers!” growled Midnight “look we have gone over this before Midnight” Said Pumpkin. “We will find them soon” she reassured him “yeah I mean it’s not like she doesn’t want to finds them, they are her sons too you know!” Said Black Socks “Midnight winced “I’m sorry mom but I am really worried about them” he cried Pumpkin sighed “I’m worried about them too” she whispered. So after hours of walking in the dark, the cats heard a distant gushing sound. Midnight’s ears pricked “what’s that sound?” he meowed Black Socks and Pumpkin pricked their ears too. “Huh I don’t know, but it sounds like running water” Meowed Black Socks. “No not running water!” Midnight shirked “running lava!” he screamed.

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2 thoughts on “The Historical Fight at dawn

  1. Wow thanks April! I am so glad you liked my story! 🙂
    Sorry you couldn’t find chapter 1! But Your in Luck cuz just last night I Put all the chapters in one page, so now any one can read my book without loosing their spot! XD I hope you enjoy my book! 😉 😀

  2. WOW! Your book is awesome! You would make a fantastic author! 😛 But I can’t find chapter 1 where is it???? XD

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